Eugene IWLA

Eugene Chapter

The Eugene Chapter of the Izaak Walton League has worked to provide a safe and convenient place to practice shooting for local residents for over 50 years. We are a members only range and not open to the public. The chapter and members also participate in a wide variety of voluntary conservation efforts affecting our land and wildlife. We welcome newcomers to the chapter and encourage stewardship of the land.

Range is Open for all current members!

The range is open daily from 8:00AM to 7:00PM or sundown, whichever is earlier. The fourth Saturday of each month is range clean-up day. All or part of the range may be closed for repair, maintenance, or improvements. Eugene Chapter members are encouraged to volunteer for these activities and earn hours toward your work bond (which means you pay less for your Range Use Fee). Please remember to put a note with your name, the date, what you did, and the number of hours you spent, into the boxes in either pistol bay 3 or at the rifle range or by emailing whenever you do any work on the range so you can get credit for it!

If you have lost any items at the range, please check our Lost and Found tab to see if they have been recovered by anyone!

NEWS! We’re adding a new berm to the left of the rifle range to reduce risks from a negligent discharge reaching sections of the range that are not down range.

SplatFirearms Education and Shoot for All Ages Anyone interested in learning more about firearms and firearm safety can come shoot some .22 firearms and learn how to do so safely! Saturday, September 14, 2024, 9 am to noon.
This is a Rain or Shine event!

  • All firearms, ammo, eye and ear protection will be provided free of charge to all participants.
  • This is a “fun shoot” event to help promote firearm safety and responsible gun handling skills. Safety briefings will be held every 15 minutes.
  • Get a chance to shoot different .22 pistols and rifles at a variety of targets.
  • Each youth participant must be accompanied by an adult or guardian who must sign a consent form. Parents are encouraged to observe, but not to coach.
  • Free BBQ lunch with Hamburgers and Hot dogs served at NOON!
  • Raffles for youth ages 5-17, including a .22 Rifle held at the end of the event! All youth particpants get a free raffle ticket to enter raffles! Older participants can purchase raffle tickets for items more geared for their age! Raffle tickets for older participants will be $1.00 each; limit of 20 tickets per person. Youth raffle tickets may NOT be purchased!
Please see our Calendar for any updates and/or instructions for events including shooting matches.
September Board Meeting will be held on September 24, 6:30 pm at Countryside Pizza, 645 River Road.
No New Member Orientation in September; next New Member Orientation will be October 26. Plan to stay till noon for this one since we will also have our All Members Meeting from 11 am to noon.
Please be at the Range at 7:30 am to fill out paperwork and pay your fees before safety discussion begins.
We take cash or a check (made out to IWLA). After you pass through the gate, please turn left towards the Picnic Shelter and park anywhere in that area or along the uphill road. We take only the first 25 people/families. While you are waiting for the Orientation to start, you can earn Workbond credit by helping with setup and/or clean up around the Pistol Pits and picnic shelter. -->
For questions about Membership with Eugene Izaak Walton League of America Shooting Range, please contact Melanee Ellis by email at
Fob not working? Call Melanee at (541) 484-1090!
Board Meeting Minutes and the Chapter Constitution and Bylaws are now online! Please see IWLA Eugene Member Resources

We do NOT rent out firearms to anyone. Please make sure you bring your own firearms unless you are attending an event that says firearms are provided!

Please pick up after yourself after shooting! This means, take down your targets, clean up any garbage, and pick up your spent shells!

Lead Harvesters! Protecting the environment is one of the main precepts of the Izaak Walton League of America. Harvesting lead from the range is one of the ways the Eugene Chapter adheres to this ideal. We report the amount that has been harvested to the DEQ to show that we are serious about keeping our land clean. If you are harvesting lead from the Range, please let us know! Please email at We would love to find out how much you have harvested! That information will be used in a report we do for the DEQ, but your name will not be used. Thanks for helping us make our environment better!

Remember, for every hour you work at the Range, you get $10.00 off your Range Use Fee at the next renewal (Workbond credit)! Don't forget to put a note into one of the boxes in either pistol bay 3 or at the rifle range or by emailing whenever you do any work on the range. Please include your name, the date, the number of hours you worked, and what you did for that time to make sure you get your credit for it.

Please remember that during Board authorized events, the portion of the range that is being used for that event is closed for shooting to nonparticipants.

Range Safety information is in our Range Manual (must have Adobe Acrobat).

Rifle Range Bays    Long view rifle range

Map of the shooting range location. Address is 30930 Izaak Walton Rd. (sometimes spelled "Isaac" Walton). Mailing address for the chapter is IWLA; P.O. Box 2247; Eugene, OR 97402.

